Monday, December 21, 2015

Ho,ho,ho . . .

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a killer Kwanzaa to you all!!
To say that this has been a rollercoaster of a year would be a gross misrepresentation of the past 360 days, and an insult to understatement.
That said, I have great faith in the coming year . . . well, not so much in the state of the world, nor humanity for that matter, but in what I can do as an individual. And really, if we would all simply take care of ourselves while extending that same level of respect to those around us, this world would be a far more tolerable place. I personally try (and I emphasize ' try') to follow one universal truth; the one golden rule:
"Try your best to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence."
That was written somewhere around 372-289 BC by Mencius, a follower of Confucius; and the core essence of that statement has been repeated by every great philosopher or prophet from the beginning of recorded history. From the Taoist to the Greek, from Jesus to Confucius.
So, my Christmas wish is for you all to carry that simple thought into the New Year . . . .
However! my more tangible Christmas gift to you all is this.
Book 2 is finally finished. I wrapped it up this morning with the final text for the back cover and sent it off. And as happy as that makes me, I missed my publishing deadline by about two weeks, so my fantasy of being published, with copies available by Christmas is not gonna happen.
So, to make it up to those of you who have been (im)patiently waiting, I am making you this offer.
Go to my website and order Book 2. If it is a gift, I will send a personal email to the recipient, informing them of your gifting, and letting them know that they will be receiving a world-class adventure cleverly disguised as a book within the next 30 days.
This package will include a personalized, signed copy of Book 2 with your name listed as the giver of the gift. (and if you wish, include whatever personal message you would like, and I will transcribe it as well.)
Now here's where it gets better.
As the book is a Trilogy, I can include Book 1 with the package, and to go further still, if you so wish, I will put your recipient on my mailing list to receive Book 3 as soon as it is published.
( Remember! Book 3 has already been written, it only needs to be edited and adjusted accordingly.)
So the breakdown would be as follows:
Purchase signed copy of Book 2 as a gift w/ letter: $20.00
The above, with Book 1 included; $35.00
Signed copies of Books 1 and 2, with a gift card informing the lucky recipient of the impending arrival of Book 3: the thrilling conclusion of the Southwestern Songline series. $55.00
So there you have it Kids. A killer Christmas gift for your friends that can appreciate a great adventure, a good laugh, and a bit of philosophy all wrapped up in a light-hearted, yet thought-provoking armchair journey.
And, by the way, my aspirations for Kickstarter have not diminished. I've just been too busy as of late. But I'm winding down my day job, and with luck, will be requesting funding by New Years.
So, please, help Santa out. With your help, the trilogy could be done that much faster, and the sequel could be providing entertainment by Summer of 2017
Again, a hearty Ho, Ho, Ho!!!

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