Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Blast from the Past.

    So, an  old friend, ( I just had a mental pause; now the term 'old friend' takes on a much more significant meaning,) anyway, an old friend sent me this photo of one of her sons in my lap from waaay back in 1990. . . . My first reaction was, of  course, wow! how cool. my second reaction was, fuck, where did twenty five years scamper off to??? and my third thought was of how much has changed since that picture was taken on an uneventful afternoon at the beach, and what a peaceful( comparatively) world we lived in.
    9 11 had not yet happened, so all of the horrors that now plague the planet were no more than a morbid fantasy turned profit machine in the minds of monsters like the future vice president, and with the collapse of the Soviet Union not yet complete, little tin despots in shit-hole third world contries did not have wholesale access to the endless stockpile of weapons leftover from the cold war. Funny, but irony being what it is, with all of that chest-pounding puffery between the two superpowers, the world was a safer place. (again, comparatively) For as long as the threat of the U.S. remained, the iron fist of the Kremlin kept the black market warlords at bay.
   Conversations were primarily actual person to person events, as Cell phones were not yet the ubiquitous things they are now.
Text was the print in a (gasp!) book, and anyone who walked around talking out loud was likely unhinged. Now, one cannot tell the crazies from the masses; and that line gets thinner by the day.
As a matter of fact, the internet, or the world wide web, as it was referred to then, was not even available to the public until 1993
   And the United States was about to enter into the longest period of economic peacetime expansion in its history.
Wow, the power of a photograph . . ..
Now that boy is a young Man, and I, alas, am that much older, and in theory wiser. Altho' on that score, I often have my doubts.
Yes, it seems that time marches on, and we are left stuck to its boots, and carried into the future.

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