Friday, June 26, 2015

This has been taken from my F. B. page 

Okay! I know you've heard it all before; but I really, truly, no shit, have got it together on book one.... As matter of fact, I am so pleased with this final incarnation of the book that I am offering a free replacement to anyone who finds the grammatical issues distracting,
But! for everyone else, I am going to have a series of contests.
So, whilst I finish editing Book 2&3, I thought we might have a little fun with this first game.
I am going to give a free copy of Book One to the first ten people who answer three questions; and we'll do it like this:
First, anyone who wants to play will have to go to my website and read the five chapters that are there, free for the reading.
Now, to keep it honest, you will answer here on the FB page; and along with your answers, I want you to put the date of your response, along with any number between 1 and 200 . Example: 6/30/15 + 10 ( that adds up to 61.Got it?) Okay!
I will have a sheet of paper with ten numbers I have already chosen randomly. The ten people whose #'s match mine will of course, win.
(at the end of the contest I will post a pic. of the number sheet to assure everyone that it is in no way rigged.)
Once the ten winners have been chosen, I will post the winner #'s here, and will then ( to protect your privacy) have those folks email me with their address. I will then mail them the Book.
Sound like fun . . . .? if so, good. let's play.
Now, for those of you who have seen Monty Python's, The Holy Grail: Picture the bridgekeeper that questioned the Knights of Camelot growling out these questions three . . .
"Stop! who would cross the bridge of death must answer me these questions three. ere the other side he see . . . ."
Wahaaat are the color of Kelly's hair . . .?
Whaaat was the name of the truck Teller won in the tree climbing contest?
Whaaat is the Teller's favorite beer?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Let the games begin!

For those of you as of yet unfamiliar, Please just google  Tropical Dawg

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Well it been a few days, and I've been busy with the books, (a writer's work is never done) And I'll tell you more about that later; but for today, heres a letter to the guys that run the world.

Hi! This is directed to the hundred, or couple hundred, people who actually run things. I don't 

pretend to know who you are, whether you're some sinister Council of Illuminati or just a bunch of

 boring guys in impeccable suits. But you guys know who you are. I just need to pass on 

an important message to you:

   First off, congratulations. I'm told the top 1 percent now holds a full 51% of the world's wealth, and the top 80 of you alone hold as much wealth as the whole bottom half of humanity (3.5 billion people). Pretty sweet! And I want to reassure you, I'm not speaking from a place of resentment here. I'm not here to scold you, or pass moral judgement on you and your class. Seriously, I'm not. In fact, I'm trying to be the best friend you'll ever have.
     I'm no one special, by the way. Just another of the proles out here in Sector Twelve. Many of my friends, by the way, are convinced that you have no regard for us at all down here in the 99% - that we might as well all be cockroaches as far as you're concerned. I have no idea whether that's true or not (you may, however, want to talk to some of your friends who have been doing their best to reinforce this view), but I certainly hope it's not - that at least a few of you might be afflicted with the curse of "empathy" or "human feeling." I'm not here to debate that. And anyway, it's irrelevant. I'm not going to appeal to your theoretical sense of empathy. I'm going to appeal to your self-interest.
    But I said I had an important message to pass on to you. Sorry, almost forgot. Here it is:
You really need to help us save the world. Not only that, it is in your best interests to do so!
    See, I don't know if you're aware of this, in whatever rarefied bubble you spend your days in. But those massive corporations that you guys control, those giant moneymaking machines you have set into motion? They are poisoning the earth, air, and water, accelerating climate change, killing off the animals and plants, and generally helping us all drown in our own collective waste.
     Now, that may seem - at the moment - like it's not your problem. I'm here to tell you, it IS. Because we only have one of these planets. There might be millions of others out there, but they aren't where we can reach them any time soon. For all practical purposes, this is it. And it's not just us cockroaches who are going to be caught in the destruction - it's you guys, too.
     Right now, you have successfully built elaborate bubbles of privilege which might have convinced you that, whatever happens to the rest of us, YOU and your friends and loved ones are gonna be fine. Maybe you have your post-apocalyptic bunker all set to go, or a spacecraft or an undersea city, like the villains from "Moonraker" and "The Spy Who Loved Me," respectively. (Bear with me, I grew up in the Roger Moore era.) Some of you are even excited about the prospect, envisioning that the post-apolcalypse will be like your idealized, rule-and-regulation-free version of the Wild West.
     I'm here to tell you, it just isn't going to work.
     Item One: For one thing, you may not make it to your escape pod/bunker/generation ship at all. Before things break down entirely, there will inevitably be a season of mobs with pitchforks and torches visiting you guys. I'm not going to be part of that mob, understand - I'm a total pacifist and an unreconstructed hippie, I would never hurt anybody - but there are plenty of other people who don't have my inhibitions in that area. Some of them might even work for you already! As Robert Heinlein (hardly what you'd call a bleeding heart liberal or an anti-capitalist) reminds us, think how often people like you end up betrayed by their closest friends and most loyal servants. And that's under normal societal conditions! If society really comes apart? All bets are off.
      Item Two: Even assuming you make it to your bunker, you have to live out the rest of your life there, and apart from anything else, it's going to be BORING as hell. And LONELY. You guys may consider yourselves Randian lone wolves, but think about it. No more Paris or Tokyo or Dubai or private South Seas islands to run off to. No more outside world to explore. We here in the 99% may be inconvenient and intrusive, especially at the height of tourist season - but we're also the ones who make the wine, train the racehorses, dig for the truffles, and write all the TV shows. Even if you think you've socked in enough of every possible commodity to satisfy your needs forever, one day you're gonna suddenly crave, say, a Reese's peanut butter cup, and realize you forgot to pack any, and that there are no more of them anywhere in the post-apocalyptic landscape. And then you'll get to brood about Reese's peanut butter cups dangling tantalizingly out of your reach for the rest of your life. You guys like instant gratification. That's gonna drive you crazy.
    Item Three: I realize this is contrary to the whole Ayn Rand lone wolf worldview, but the ugly truth is, your lifestyle depends on a veritable army of service personnel. How many support staff do you intend to bring with you to Galt's Gulch? Because you'll need quite a few - and beyond a certain point, they have a disturbing tendency to morph into another of those emphatic groups with the pitchforks and torches. (Op. cit. Heinlein, above.) It's one thing now, when you can rely on the security state that is the U.S. of A. to protect your interests and keep the zombie hordes away from the gate... but what happens when your personal army of security guards get tired of seeing you sitting there hogging all the good stuff? Who's going to guard you from them?
   Item Four: But let's say you're NOT going it 100% alone, but are all in it together, a proud little band of like-minded trillionaires creating a brave new world together. That's gonna be even worse. Think about it. You really want to spend the rest of the apocalypse in the company of  the hundred richest people you know? You might barely be able to get through a dinner party with half of them. To use just one frightful example: what if one of them is Donald Trump? Wrap your head around THAT one.
Not to mention that they, like you, will all be bored out of their skulls after five minutes. These are high-powered people, used to playing with the lives of billions. (Hi from Sector Twelve!) You think they're gonna be satisfied with a stack of DVDs and a deck of cards? Not likely. My prediction is, you'll all find yourselves acting out a live-action version of "Game of Thrones" within a month. And while Westeros is an exciting place to watch on HBO, I don't think you're going to enjoy living there. (Yeah, yeah, I'm sure YOU in your wonderfulness will immediately rise to the top of the pecking order. And then you'll stay there for... as long as you can. May the odds be ever in your favor.)
    Item Five: I know I said I wasn't going to bring this up, but there's the whole "watching the rest of humanity die horribly" thing. This whole scenario depends on you being completely and utterly willing to let billions of people, the bulk of the human race, die off in various gruesome ways without your lifting a finger to prevent any of it.
Are you?
Take a good long look in that gilded mirror, and truly ask yourself: ARE you?
Again, I freely admit: I have no idea how you guys live, or what any of you are like as individuals. But the unreconstructed hippie in me really, really WANTS to believe that you're still human beings, with hearts and souls. You really want seven or eight billion people haunting you? (And I promise you, I will be one of them. I have no compunctions about haunting.)
Because, the thing is? There's another option.
You can HELP.
Join with the rest of humanity. Help us save the world.
   You guys are literally sitting on half of the world's collective wealth, and much more than half of the world's political power structures. You can accomplish things with the stroke of a pen we proles can only fantasize about.
    There are scientists and engineers out there full of ideas about how to clean up the mess. Ideas about how to protect our land masses from rising oceans and the other ravages of climate change. Ideas about how to move beyond poisonous fossil fuels and reinvent the energy industry. Ideas about new ways of agriculture, of food, of making fresh water, of reimagining a thousand fields. You and your class are the people who can make those ideas into reality, by spending some fraction of your accumulated capital.
   And guess what? The people who fund those ideas, and make stuff happen? They are going to make TONS OF MONEY. (Do I have your attention now?)
   In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt, a wealthy and well-connected man,  "betrayed his class" by daring to propose a downward redistribution of resources to benefit the masses, rather than just the 1% of his day. Many of those one-percenters still haven't forgiven him to this day - but guess what? Even after the New Deal, there were still rich people!  You guys get all upset by the prospect of "wealth redistribution," but trust me, they aren't gonna take ALL of it. (That would be the job of those pitchfork mobs. They will be more than happy to take all of it.)
    And yet by the time FDR died in office, almost all of those fat cats were richer than ever. The nationwide public works, the rural electrification, the restructuring of agriculture in the Dust Bowl - these weren't just "welfare" projects for the proles, they generated tons of revenue and created opportunities for innovation. You would be getting in on the ground floor. Does that not appeal to you?
   Incidentally, by "betraying his class," FDR also became the most beloved man in America. They wouldn't stop electing him. People hung up his picture over the mantel like he was the Pope. He betrayed the 400, but he took up his lot with the hundred million. Instead of continuing to pollute and destroy the only planet we have, and being known to posterity as one of the "evil selfish bastards destroying the planet out of unconscionable greed," wouldn't you rather be known as one of the guys who saved the planet?
   Because the thing is, it only takes a few of you. I know the Kochs and Cheneys are still invested in the fossil fuels/weaponry paradigm, and they're the ones who get all the press. But that's the past - the stuff I'm talking about is the future, and there's so much opportunity out there for those willing to be a little more farsighted. Cheney and the Kochs are in the buggy-whip business, and you have a chance to get in on the ground floor of the automobile era. Again - does "getting in on the ground floor" not appeal to you guys at all? Bill Gates is out there doing it with disease control; but isn't anyone interested in the financial possibilities of seawalls? Air cleaning turbines? Seawater reclamation?
   I'm here to tell you, you don't HAVE to be hated, and you don't have to fear us cockroaches. We are all on this planet together, and helping us will, in fact, benefit you as well. You guys, with your power and your resources, can make the future happen - and you can get richer AND become worldwide heroes doing it.
   Please. Join us! Help us save the world!

                    P.S. I did not pen this piece; but I wish I did.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Well, the parties over.

it was a week (well three days anyway) full of hard lessons and first rate suggestions and examples.
As for my stuff . . . altho' it was considered interesting, it has little commercial value . . . as a matter of fact, one very successful Nashville female artist told me my jukebox rocker was good, but "Kinda old school country"  Ha! well hell, what did she expect? I don't do new hip hop country....
Anyway, mission accomplished. I learned what I need to do; so I will spend the twelve months writing the best damn song I can. Then, next year, maybe I'll generate some buzz.
But in the meantime rest assured I will be working on the trilogy and its sequel. I've nearly finished Book 1 (for the 19th time) and will be on to Book two by the end of next week.
So, because of the format adjustment, I've held off on the kindle release. I see no point in reenacting the same scene with the electronic version as the paperback, so please be patient.
And: to anyone who is currently reading the 'Flawed' copy, whenever you're ready or willing, I would love some feedback.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Aloha from the beaches of the Kohala Coast.

Well, yesterday was certainly an interesting experience . . . . 
There is an amazing amount of talent here; not only from this diverse group of people who have so graciously given their time to come across the ocean and bless us with their knowledge; but from the attendees as well.
As in all things, (at least for me) the surprise is always the details that lie in the shadows and around the corners of a life that is nothing but corners with surprises hiding in their shadows.
Many people, and many cultures maintain that all is a circle; with no end and no beginning. But as I grow older I am finding that this circle of life seems less a circle than a pinball table where the capricious flippers of fate slap you willy-nilly about; sending one bouncing through a brightly colored world; where, depending on the skill of your chosen/assigned operator, you roll around, banging your head on one wall or another, gathering or losing points as you go. And, in the end, are sucked down into a hole. 
And if you wish to insert reincarnation into the equation, if your operator/god wants to play you again, he/she just pops in another coin/ (choose you own metaphor here) and off you go for another round!
Sorry, I got sidetracked . . . (see my second post for an illustrated example of what you may expect from my ramblings.)
On second thought, surprise may be the wrong term here; perhaps I should say that I'm stunned by the depth and width of the field. Money is at the top (no great shocker there) with composing for TV and film the quickest way to the big bucks, with heart being at the bottom of the list. But in all fairness,  the point of this endeavor is finding some degree of commercial success in the hopes of freeing myself from the drudgery of working day after day with the constant struggle of meeting my financial obligations a primary concern. 
So, I suppose I'm back to my middle paragraph: My life as pinball.
I had been wondering how to get my stuff to the right people; I heard of this event on the radio as I drove to work; and now I'm here bouncing around the musical table, hoping for a high score . . .. 
I just hope my player knows what he's doing.





Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Okay, I now have an entirely new way to share my slightly skewed view of this big round ball.
So, For those of you that follow my FB storybook, this is my new entry into the media. For those of you whom I've not yet met, let this be our introduction.
     Let me start by saying that if you choose to follow me through the daze to come,  you will for the most part, be amused. But will also find yourself  on occasion be allowed inside my head ( which I will admit can be rather disturbing) and no, I don't mean scary weird; I mean sort of like this:

Tonight I prepare for a four day adventure with some of the top talent in the songwriting world. For me, it will be a chance to showcase my songs, and an opportunity to plug my novel to some folks in the biz. So,stay tuned; I will try to provide you with some entertainment; or at least a daily commentary on the adventures of a Palmtree Hobo



Dear readers, take note:

I mentioned a few posts ago that it seems every time I have a glitch, or some other indefinable issue in my life, within a day or so I'm given what I will call, for lack of a better word, a "sign."
It will come in any number of guises, from a lightning-like flash of revelation, to something as mundane as a bumper sticker; but come it will . . .
Now as you all are aware, I've been agonizing over the punctuation issues in my book to the point of nearly not mailing out copies to people that have been waiting uber-patiently, moon upon moon.
Then, this morning, I stumbled across this Tom Robbins quote:

“Don't trust anybody who'd rather be grammatically correct than have a good time.”
Well there you are . . . and a good time resides within the novel's pages regardless of other flaws.
Oh! I got my first verbal review yesterday, and it erased any doubts I may have had. ( it will soon be posted both in Amazon and my website)
The reader began by waving book One around and laughingly yelling: "where the hell is the next book!! You left me hanging with Teller and Kelly at . . (well I can't go into further description or I might spoil it for you)
Anyway,he went on to say that I had knocked it out of the park, and that Teller was going to be the next: and I quote: "who was that character that Tom Cruise fucked up in that movie? oh yeah, Jack Reacher... thats the guy . . . I'm not sure what I think about Teller, he's like the the cocky anti-hero who you just gotta love...)
I'm not sure about the Jack Reacher comparison; but he went on and you get the gist.
Now, full disclosure, this guy is a friend, but he's also an accomplished Luthier, musician, and businessman, as well as being an intelligent and well-read individual. So, as I have a great deal of respect for him, to hear those words was a verbal balm slathered on my scruffy soul, and verification that my considerable efforts have not been in vain.