Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Okay, I now have an entirely new way to share my slightly skewed view of this big round ball.
So, For those of you that follow my FB storybook, this is my new entry into the media. For those of you whom I've not yet met, let this be our introduction.
     Let me start by saying that if you choose to follow me through the daze to come,  you will for the most part, be amused. But will also find yourself  on occasion be allowed inside my head ( which I will admit can be rather disturbing) and no, I don't mean scary weird; I mean sort of like this:

Tonight I prepare for a four day adventure with some of the top talent in the songwriting world. For me, it will be a chance to showcase my songs, and an opportunity to plug my novel to some folks in the biz. So,stay tuned; I will try to provide you with some entertainment; or at least a daily commentary on the adventures of a Palmtree Hobo




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