Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Dear readers, take note:

I mentioned a few posts ago that it seems every time I have a glitch, or some other indefinable issue in my life, within a day or so I'm given what I will call, for lack of a better word, a "sign."
It will come in any number of guises, from a lightning-like flash of revelation, to something as mundane as a bumper sticker; but come it will . . .
Now as you all are aware, I've been agonizing over the punctuation issues in my book to the point of nearly not mailing out copies to people that have been waiting uber-patiently, moon upon moon.
Then, this morning, I stumbled across this Tom Robbins quote:

“Don't trust anybody who'd rather be grammatically correct than have a good time.”
Well there you are . . . and a good time resides within the novel's pages regardless of other flaws.
Oh! I got my first verbal review yesterday, and it erased any doubts I may have had. ( it will soon be posted both in Amazon and my website)
The reader began by waving book One around and laughingly yelling: "where the hell is the next book!! You left me hanging with Teller and Kelly at . . (well I can't go into further description or I might spoil it for you)
Anyway,he went on to say that I had knocked it out of the park, and that Teller was going to be the next: and I quote: "who was that character that Tom Cruise fucked up in that movie? oh yeah, Jack Reacher... thats the guy . . . I'm not sure what I think about Teller, he's like the the cocky anti-hero who you just gotta love...)
I'm not sure about the Jack Reacher comparison; but he went on and you get the gist.
Now, full disclosure, this guy is a friend, but he's also an accomplished Luthier, musician, and businessman, as well as being an intelligent and well-read individual. So, as I have a great deal of respect for him, to hear those words was a verbal balm slathered on my scruffy soul, and verification that my considerable efforts have not been in vain.

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